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  • #5216
    Ron Dowle

    First competition event at Prescott starts tomorrow and for those as daft as me there is live streaming from Bentley Drivers club race meeting Silverston. No Ron or Jim this year, but you might get to see Tim ??

    Ron Dowle

    Update for BDC silverstone Saturday 22 Aug. Three club members racing. 1 Bentley, 1 Allard J2, Bellamy and Lagonda.

    Ron Dowle

    Just to let you all know Oliver has just has just put the footage of this years BDC Silverstone Fiscar race on YouTube. He had an interesting race so well worth watching.

    Ron Dowle

    Well done Josh. Possibly a Class win at Prescott this afternoon. Not an Allard win but a fine bit of peddling in the 911 race car.

    • This reply was modified 10 months, 2 weeks ago by Ben Stevens.

    Ron, could you put a link to Oliver’s YouTube clip on this please?

    Ron Dowle

    For those looking for great footage from Prescott. Their live streaming cameras views give great shots. Not only do you get a good idea of lines people use but you get to see our club president’s class win peddling this 911 race car ( No70 about 1/2 way through the film ).



    Christopher Pring

    Ron, just to let you know I have booked an entry for Prescott on Saturday 03 October but I’m wondering if that is the best day? When I booked it Sunday 04 October wasn’t available to book on line but I see today it now is. James Smith mentioned he was planning to enter

    Anyone else entered/planning to enter?

    Ron Dowle

    Chris.  not sure which day James has entered. Unforchanatly he us away this week. Don’t think any one else has entered ( I still no engine ) not sure about Dave or Mike? I know Mel has booked in on the driving school. Maybe he will be there ?


    Unlikely but I would love to put my lessons to the test.

    Let me know which days you and James are going a d II’ll see what I can do.

    Ron Dowle

    BDC silverstone  2020. Two YouTube clips first one is from the BDC club giving general overview of the day


    Ron Dowle

    Second YouTube club is olivers race (longish film) but you do get to see the stalled start / off road grass tracking to miss a spinning lotus and the fight from the back of the pack to Win ( even get to see Tim as well)


    Ron Dowle

    Now all I need if fottage of Mark with the Ballamy from Silverstone or Malory park. Or mark and olivers next outings at Castle Combe

    Tim Wilson

    Jeez! That drive in the J2 is phenomenal! What an armful that car is. Full kudos to the driver????.

    And yep – it’ll be great to see the Ballamy Special on an outing…

    Tim W.


    Looks as if we’ll have Dave, James, Chris and me at Prescott on Sunday the 4th. Chris also attending on Saturday the 3rd.

    I’ve had a few tuning problems with the Cad in the K1 but having just had the ignition tested on a diagnostic machine where it was considered ok the recommendation was it might be carburation and to fit a new 600cfm Holly in place of the old one.

    I ordered it yesterday from Real Steel who had one on the shelf and it arrived this morning  £450 inc p&p – that’s service!

    Now I just need to fit it and get the car back to the rolling road for fine tuning before driving down to Prescott. At least that’s all I hope I need to do and that it happens as easy as I hope – no chance there then !!

    Christopher Pring

    I’m only doing Prescott, Sunday 4th.

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