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  • #7511
    Tim Wilson

    I’ve just seen the notice on the Home page about David’s death. l’m sure there will be others, far more qualified than me, who will wish to pay tribute to David – and there will be obituaries too, of course. But l just wanted now, to say a few words in praise of David as he struck me; l only ever talked to him at the AOC social Zoom meetings, but l found his huge banks of knowledge, technical and engineering ability and colossal, precisely detailed memory, inspiring – even daunting. What a man! It is a privilege to have known and interacted (however fleetingly) with David. To hear him discuss historical Allard factory design details was pure joy. I do hope that Dean and David managed (as they agreed was a priority) to get together and swap stories and opinions – and that Dean and others in the Club will be able to publish the subject-matter.
    Huge respect and thanks to David Hooper for all that he achieved for us as Allard enthusiasts, sharing his expertise and knowledge in the way he did. Tim.

    • This topic was modified 10 months, 3 weeks ago by Ben Stevens.
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