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  • #6194
    Ron Dowle

    I am thinking of changing the old Cross-ply tyres on my K1 to radials, but I am concerned about the tyre radius (EG overall tyre circumference ). All the radials I have looked at are a smaller overall diameter.  Any comments ???   What do you use ?  Ron

    Tim Wilson

    My concerns too, Ron. I can’t seem to find any radial which is a straight diameter equivalent to the x-plies l ditched 5 yrs ago. The 16″ radials l ended up buying give superb grip, but my Special looks woefully ‘undertyred’. Is the large outlay for Longstone/Blockley therefore the only answer?   Tim

    Ben Stevens

    I’d love to see some pictures of tyres which “look wrong” and then some that look right. I’m curious how bad, bad tyres look. I don’t want to fork out hundreds of pounds for my new tyres then decide they’re not right.

    I’m guessing radials are a given…? Or is that a rather contentious statement?

    Ron Dowle

    Just for ref. These are my tyres.

    Ron Dowle

    Tyre Details 


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